Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Scanned Negative
Kodak Portra NC 35 ISO400
Kodak Tri-X 35 ISO400
I love this photograph. I found this little guy on the beach the other morning. The light was perfect; adding a familiar yet nauseating aesthetic. I can't quite mention what it reminds me of though, maybe oatmeal? I don’t know. Whatever it is, the sand almost hypnotizes the eye to where it distracts us from the elephant. It may require a crop, except I hate cropping; it hides our mistakes and intent from in the field. I guess I should just invest in a close up lens...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Scanned Negatives
Kodak Portra NC 35 ISO400
Kodak Tri-X 35 ISO400
When I saw this kid with his shorts pulled high up to his tits, I had grab my camera. I took both of Jordan among others of him right on the beach where he was playing-in front of camp. Not only were his shorts funny, but also it’s one of those things that people do without noticing. It’s peculiar how I see a lot of elder qualities evident with Jordan. It’s how he presents himself. In color, his shy smirk combined with how his hands protect his overweight chest. However opposite, the black and white represents self-importance with the company of his tattoo. All in all it’s the power of the photograph that always helps us pick this kind of stuff apart within an innocent youngster. I would have never suspected such superiority within Jordan…

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Scanned Gelatin Silver Fiber Print
Kodak Tri-X 35 ISO400
8'' x 10''

This is just a print that I have been meaning to scan. It’s a sample of a series that I did of my Dad’s garage. It’s weird because I grew up spending half of my life in this room filled with scrap metal, tools, and chaotic plumbing supplies; never once did I consider the objects picturesque. Yet after a few months away from home, aesthetics within’ my home begin to stand it. Something about this garage made me eager to roam about with a homemade hot light (made out of a halogen lamp and aluminum foil) and blow through six rolls of film as if I were Garry Winogrand. I ended up printing well over 15 prints from the 6 rolls of film, yet this print of a basket stood out among the rest. If I were to describe the light in this one shot, I would use words like elegant, gentle, and almost romantic. Everything else that I shot seemed to appear flat, artificial, and more or less boring. I keep this photograph because it’s the first and only time I have so far gotten what I wanted from a hot light source…

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Scanned Negatives
Kodak Portra NC 35 ISO400
My brother, Austin and I picked up a motion film projector the other day. It’s sick because I have a bunch of Super 8 footage and I wanted to show him how it works. He just bought a camera earlier this year and he wants to get into it. We just need to figure out how we are going to process his new footage. I developed all my stuff in Early College a few summers ago at MECA, but we would have to buy our own chemistry now. I guess we could always just hold out for the next couple of months and I could probably process for him once I’m at Mass Art. Either way, it’s super exciting to see it run through light and lens and projected on a wall, or in this case apiece of plywood…

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Scanned Negatives
Kodak Portra NC 35 ISO400
On the 4th my family and I went up to the family camp on Island Pond, VT. It’s just something that we have been doing every year ever since I could remember. The weather is always unpredictable, yet sun or rain, we always boil lobsters, go fishing, and eat cake (usually for my mamère birthday). We were only there for the day so it would have been impossible to shoot anything more than a role without being able to really socialize. This was probably the only time out of the whole year that I get to see most of these people, so I really had to put my camera at ease and replace it with a cold beer instead. However, I was really happy with some of the minor stuff that I got and I am wicked anxious to try and get back up to camp. I would love to shoot some 120 film there!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Scanned Negatives
Kodak Portra NC 35 ISO400

Some of my film finally made it to the developer! I have begun carrying my camera with me everywhere, preferably one of my 35mm’s. It’s just a habitual routine that I want to get used to. So of course it would make sense that I have a shit ton of photographs from work since the lake is where I spend most of my time these days. It’s cool because I LOVE my job. It’s the best summer job I have had yet. I wake up super early and get there before anyone else so that I can rake the beach, mow the lawn, pick up sea weed, blah blahh… Yet my favorite part is that I get to sit in a beach chair the majority of the time and just read, sell day passes, and meet new people. I guess the worst part is how I need to keep my shirt on consequently giving me that uneven tan…but thats being picky. When it comes to working at Lake Iroquois, I am anything but that! It's safe to say that I know how lucky I am to have this job after working at Marchslas and Shaws...