Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Scanned RC Color Prints
Fuji Color Pro 400 H
10'' x 10''

For our night assignment in Color Photography, i really wanted to get out of Boston and shoot somewhere new. So luke and i went to his house where he grew up in Ipswich, MA. Ipswich is far enough away from Boston that we can see the stars, but at the same time it’s close enough to where we can take the commuter rail. Not to mention a lot safer and more laid back. There were a lot of nicely lit spots around town where i could make the photographs that i had in mind of his truck. Printing the colors from at night was a bit tough, but overall i ended up with a few i happened to like a lot. I especially really loved it when someone at crit refereed to the two of just the truck as Spielburg-esque...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Scanned RC Color Prints
8'' x 10'' Segmented Prints

I was craving to make triptychs for our time of day project in Color Photography. For this assignment we were required to photograph during at least 7 different times during the same day in order to see the various types of present light. I was planning on combining different times of the day into one triptych, but i simply didn’t have the time to reshoot and make the picture i had envisioned. So instead, i printed with the legitimate 5 rolls i had already shot. I also experimented with making different negative carriers. I settled on this one i made out of a take out box. It was nice always having the same carrier on hand, plus it gives the photos something to relate to. Critique on these photos tended to be what i expected; the concept needed to be pushed even more. I plan to do so in the future...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Scanned Gelatin Silver Fiber Print
Fuji Neopan 400
7'' x 7''

This semester i’m in a class called Photo Techniques and it’s taught by Stephen Tourlentes. I’m not kidding when i say i’m exited about this class. It’s a sampler pack of pushing my black & white work in every way possible. We’ll be trying new papers, developers and films. As well as influenced to try new cameras and just become better at shooting and printing in general. It’s been nice to photograph whatever i want. I’v just been shooting medium format and pushing to get better with my hand held light meter. I want to master making those perfect exposures. I made these photos of Olivia in the work room. For this assignment we had to bracket, include a grey card, and shoot in two types of light. I thought it would be nice to capture life in the workroom. I ended up printing a couple of the bracketed images and it turned out to be more work than i planned...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Scanned RC Color Prints
7'' x 7''

I made these photographs of luke about a week ago. I thought they came out well, but my professor, Yoav Horesh thought i could have moved around more. I guess couldn’t agree more once looking at the contacts. During crit we all thought that the bottom print was most successful; a moment where luke was sidetracked from the camera and innocent to the temperature of the room in his warehouse...